sabato 20 giugno 2009

Tehran, Mousavi challenge Khamenei. It will make the anti-regime

THE EVENT - According to a source, who remained anonymous, the event will be held in Enghelab Square, in Tehran, at 16:00 local time (when in Italy will be 13:30) as announced by Karroubi. The news was confirmed by Twitter (which is replacing the traditional means of communication to give information on the protests): According to the messages that the Iranian sailors put on their profiles, the event was a piazza Enghelab confirmed by Mir Hossein Moussavi.

REPLICA OF THE SYSTEM - The replica of the system but has not made wait. The Iranian authorities have asked Mousavi, losing out by the challenge to the chair with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, not 'cause illegal events and not support these gatherings,' said the official agency ISNA. "Instead of accusing the police or military forces (...) we expect you to avoid causing illegal demonstrations and not hold these gatherings," said Abbas Mohtaj, secretary of the National Security Council, which depends on the Ministry of Interior. Officials in Tehran said that Mousavi "will be held responsible for the consequences of illegal demonstrations."

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